Fire Rated Doors -Guide for Businesses Qatar

Fire-rated Doors – The Complete Guide for Businesses in Qatar

Fire safety is always the top-most risk management priority for businesses. This is because fire damage can risk both the loss of life and property. As a result, fire-rated doors in Qatar have become an industry standard when it comes to protecting businesses from fire damage. If you are worried about ways to best implement fire-rated doors for your business, then this guide will help you understand the A-Z of fire-rated doors in Qatar.

What is a Fire-Rated Door?

Fires are unpredictable and can spread either slowly or at an unprecedented rate. Whether it is your office building or an apartment building, fire-rated doors help impede the spread of fire. A fire-rated door is an extremely heavy door that is built to certain specifications. These specifications ensure that fire or even smoke from the fire is not able to move through this door. Such doors can hold back fires for a limited amount of time. The length of time that a particular fire-rated door can hold back a fire depends on its rating. 

What is the Difference?

  • Regular Doors

Regular doors that you see every day in apartment buildings or even in offices that are not fireproofed as per industry standards cannot withstand the high temperatures of a fire. The average orange flame of a fire can be anywhere between 1100°C to 1200°C. When it comes to regular wooden doors, these temperatures can easily cause them to combust and serve as fuel to the fire.

  • Fire-Rated Doors

A fire-rated door is made of robust insulating material. These can include a combination of glass, steel, gypsum, timber, and aluminium. Some of the most effective fire-resistant doors are also made with insulation of wired glass. This ensures that they do not melt or get compromised in the event of a fire.

Purpose of Fire-Rated Doors

Fire-rated doors can be used for several purposes. While these purposes may differ for commercial, residential, and business occupancies, the primary goal remains the same – to help safeguard life and property. 

  • Effective Evacuation

With the installation of fire-rated doors in strategic locations throughout your premises, you can ensure seamless evacuation of people in the event of a fire. For example, replacing all the main doors of apartments on a single floor with fire-rated doors. This can help the corridor serve as a safe fire evacuation passage for all occupants of these apartments.

  • Minimise Damage

Fire-rated doors can also help prevent massive damage to property caused by fire. In commercial and/or business spaces, rooms containing valuable documents, costly equipment, or even data centres and server rooms can be protected using fire-rated doors.

  • Containment and Suppression

Another major purpose of fire-rated doors is to contain the fire within a specific location of your building. This will help in fire suppression once the firefighters arrive with their equipment.

  • Theft Protection

Moreover, fire-rated doors are so durable that they can also help prevent thefts. A fire-rated door is much harder to break down than a regular door. This will discourage burglars and once again keep your people and property safe.

Choose the Best Fire-Rated Door

Fire-rated doors in Qatar come in 4 different ratings – the FD30, FD60, FD90, and FD120. You can choose either of these depending on your requirement. These may include your need for fire resistance, smoke resistance, acoustic performance, security performance, or simply for good aesthetics. 

  • FD30 – Contains fire and smoke for 30 minutes. It is considered best for doors in apartment buildings located in regions where firefighters can reach within 15 to 20 minutes.
  • FD60 – Contains fire and smoke for 60 minutes. It is recommended for both residential and business occupancies where a higher level of fire safety and general security is required.
  • FD90 – Contains fire and smoke for 90 minutes. It is advisable to have these doors to protect valuable data centres and equipment holding rooms in commercial and business spaces.
  • FD120 – Contains fire and smoke for 120 minutes. This is the highest level of endurance and can be used for any location at your discretion. Moreover, these doors offer the highest level of general security as well. 

Supply and Installation of Fire-Rated Doors

The supply and installation of fire-rated doors in Qatar is something that you should consider for your office space. Several companies manufacture fire-rated doors and even install them according to industry standard specifications. However, without years of experience and access to highly talented fire safety engineers and installation technicians, it is next to impossible to ensure the safety of people and property even with a fire-rated door. Hence, it is your responsibility to choose the right installer. 

Fire-Rated Doors Supplied by Al Doha for Fire Systems

Al Doha for Fire Systems is one of the most reputed fire-rated door suppliers in Qatar. You will find a wide range of durable and reliable fire-rated doors. With such a wide variety, you can easily choose from FD30, FD60, and FD90, to FD120 ratings. 

  • Supply of fire-rated Doors

Al Doha for Fire Systems has some of the most trusted brands of fire-rated doors. These doors are made of a combination of several materials like steel, aluminium, gypsum, and wired glass. This also gives you the choice of price range so that you can choose the right fire-rated door that suits both your purpose and budget.

  • Installation of fire-rated Doors

With decades of experience, Al Doha for Fire Systems uses several techniques for the installation of fire-rated doors in Qatar. From the installation of the panic bar to the fireproof frame, the experts at Al Doha ensure that there are no flaws.

For the best possible fire-rated doors in Qatar along with exceptional installation services, you can rely on Al Doha for Fire Systems.
